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The Index Card Writing Method

This very easy (and effective) method works great for experienced and amateur writers alike since it allows you to see your structure and make modifications without spending time in writing and rewriting, it also helps to make sure that every scene contributes to the story and remove unnecessary scenes without getting rid of them completely.

How does it work:

  1. Write each scene on an index card (post-its work too). You can either write (or print) the whole scene, or just headline and description. What matters is that you’re able to identify the scene by looking at the card alone.

  1. Organize the cards as they currently appear in your script. You can put them on a wall or board if you have them available but if you don’t, a table or floor will do the trick.

  1. Do some staring. Seriously, look at your cards and understand where you’re at and where you want to get. Are you getting there with the way the scenes are now? What do you need to change in order to get there? Is every scene contributing to your story? And then you go from there.

My own index card board for the short film Sabine

Now you have individual scenes at hand to move and switch them around your timeline. Having the cards on a wall allows you to look at them constantly and maybe make changes even when you’re not purposely rewriting, but it can also be distracting from other things, so maybe keep this in mind. To put them away when not in use, simply use a binder clip and make sure you save the current order you’re working with.

Let me know if this works for you and happy writing!


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